
KWSI-LP 100.3 Radio is a nonprofit community radio station run entirely by volunteers. Volunteers are needed for all aspects (listed below) of the station’s business and radio operations. If you believe in the power of community radio, let’s figure out how to make you part of the KWSI team!

  • Programming!!! If there’s one thing we need help with more than anything right now, it’s local talent for producing new community shows. If selecting and reviewing programs, producing shows and public service announcements, and operating the automation system sound up your alley, please contact us!
  • Promotions/Outreach: Marketing, event planning, telling others about KWSI, producing station promotions for broadcasting, and securing donations and grants
  • Board of Directors: Determines mission and values of KWSI, raises funds needed for station operations, ensures compliance with regulations and mission
  • Bookkeeping & Data Entry: Tracking contacts, donors, finances
  • Management: Organizing, recruiting, basic station maintenance and cleaning
  • Social Networking: Website, social media
  • Technology: Sound engineering, automation, computers, radio equipment